Faculty of Technology
The Faculty is aimed to the complex of forest – wood – ecology – the environment and work environment
Interested in studying at our Faculty?The Faculty is focused on the preparation of specialists with technical expertise and with competence for manufacturing and environmental technology, safety engineering and production-technical management. This allows the graduates to utilize their knowledge in the wood production and forest management, in operation and management, in science and research, in commerce and marketing, as well as in the conditions of the engineering production.
High applicability
The Faculty obtained the 8th place among 143 faculties in Slovakia according to good prospects and relevance of practice study programmes.
CEPUS mobilities
The Faculty provides the highest number of CEEPUS mobilities within the faculties of the Technical University in Zvolen.
Gain the required technical education needed by the labour market
Take the opportunity and study at the Faculty of Technology
Study Possibilities
Fakulta ponúka možnosť študovať v 2 bakalárskych programoch, 2 inžinierskych programoch a 2 doktorandských programoch.
Academic events
Faculty in numbers
Study Programmes0